No Is My Second Favorite Answer

We’ve all been busy buzzing about, helping clients with their database applications.

President Armen Stein has earned the Microsoft MVP Award every year since 2006. The award is for technical expertise (for Access in Armen’s case) and community involvement.  There are fewer than 40 Access MVPs in the world!

Sometimes we try to spare someone’s feelings by saying “maybe” or “later” when the authentic answer is really “no”.


If you and I are in a conversation about working together, I prefer straightforward answers.  Of course, I would like to hear “yes” from you, but my second favorite answer is a clear “no”.  Why?  Because my time is valuable, and so is yours.  Rather than trying to battle uphill for something that isn’t going to happen, my time can be better spent on speaking with others that are ready to move forward.  And I’m sure you can spend your time on something more valuable also.


Are you participating in conversations where one of you is on the fence?  That’s not a comfortable place.  We would all save a lot of time and energy with a clear “no”.


Contact us for a free consultation – we’re here to help you!  And if the answer is no, thanks for telling me.

J Street featured in first Microsoft Tech Community customer success story in North America

We’re excited to be featured on Microsoft’s Tech Community blog, with its first publication of an Access customer success story in North America! We built a custom Access/SQL Server application for MinnTex Citrus to help them grow their business, and they are delighted with the results.

Scott Barker - J Street Technology - Custom Web Application - 98004

Way To Go,

Scott Barker! Just need to brag a little about one of our talented team members…Scott Barker (Software Developer) recently had an article published in a well-known publication.  The article explains working with some of the features and code using dtSearch, the full-text search engine Scott works with. 

Virtual Reality May Help Save Ancient Egypt’s ‘Sistine Chapel’


A new virtual reality experience may help save an ancient Egyptian tomb…
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