Scammers And Hackers: On The Prowl

During this trying time, not only do we have to worry about the pandemic, the economy, and our friends and family, scammers and hackers are doubling (tripling?) their efforts to get a hold of your valuable information.

Simple and/or passwords that are used for multiple accounts are a favorite way for these scoundrels to get your private data.

Here are some helpful tips to help keep you safe from accidentally giving away your private information via electronic communication:

  1. Use very secure passwords by using capital and lowercase letters, numbers, AND special characters in each password.
  2. DO NOT reuse passwords.  Once a hacker gets a password to one account the likelihood of them trying that password on other accounts goes way up..
  3. Store ALL passwords in a safe, locked location such as Password Safe, Dashlane, Keeper, or similar password protector software. Hint: a list of passwords stored in Notepad on your local machine is NOT secure…
  4. DO NOT send usernames/passwords in text format via email. 
  5. Review the REAL email address, even from a trusted source before opening attachments, by (1) right clicking on the person’s name, (2) click the down arrow on the popup and then (3) reviewing the email address shown (see screenshot above).
  6. Even if you receive an email from a reliable source that appears legit:
    1. If there is an attachment be sure you know it was coming your way.
    2. That the vernacular is in that person’s normal way of speaking.

These precautions will help protect you from unintentionally giving access to people who do not have your best interests at heart…

Stay safe out there!

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