Well, This is Uncomfortable

going virtual - J Street Technology - Database Programmers - 98004
J Street is already a virtual company.  We are not affected by the stay-at-home orders in our state, and we’ve been working remotely for over a year.  Let us know if you need help with work-from-home technology like web conferencing, online document sharing, and web applications.

Contact us for a free consultation today!

Armen Stein - Owner of J Street Technology - Custom Web Application - 98004President Armen Stein has earned the Microsoft MVP Award every year since 2006. The award is for technical expertise (for Access in Armen’s case) and community involvement.  There are fewer than 40 Access MVPs in the world!

COVID-19 Information Center

Data For Informed Decision Making

A fellow Rotary member and author of Code Complete, Steve McConnell, has used his experience and skill in compiling and evaluating data to help bring more light into understanding the numbers relating to COVID-19.

Steve presents the data in a non-biased fashion and brings to light some of the holes in the numbers that are elsewhere in the media.  His model calculates a state-by-state “reopen readiness” score from 1-10.  Where does your state stand?


It’s hard to know what to say or write during these times.  Like many of you, I’m uncomfortable, worried about saying something wrong or alienating people.  But here it is:  Our country’s shameful history of the treatment of Black people (yes, I capitalized Black) is finally starting to catch up with us.  I say starting, because although some might argue that “we’ve come a long way”, we have so far to go.  After 338 years of slavery, 70 years of Jim Crow laws, and countless policies and practices rooted in white supremacy, we are only just beginning to address and dismantle systemic racism.  Removing some inequality is a step, but shouldn’t be congratulated until it just isn’t an issue anymore.  And that won’t be any time soon.


I’ve been complacent in my privileged affluent white bubble.  Sure, I’ve been upset to hear about police brutality and racial injustice, but I haven’t done much about it.  And that’s the problem.  Real change doesn’t happen quickly enough when only the victims of injustice raise their voices in protest – the rest of society needs to help too.  We’re all in this together.

So, I’m trying to learn, change and act.  I’ve been watching more videos and movies, reading more articles and books, and discussing racial inequality with friends and family.  I’ve donated to civil rights organizations, and I’ve protested to raise awareness.  I know I can do more.  I must do more.  And I’m encouraging you to do the same.

You may not think a business newsletter is the best place for this.  I disagree.  If you’re reading this, you have some relationship with me or my company.  You’re part of my community.  If I can influence just a few people a tiny bit, then it’s worth it.  And if my views cause you to unsubscribe or choose not to do business with my company, that’s okay too.

If you’re with me, and I hope you are, here are some resources that my family and I recommend.  Some of them include profanity and graphic images.


On YouTube:

Phil Vischer – Race in America

Nick Pezillo – 8 Minutes 46 Seconds

Amber Ruffin – Skipping Down the Street

Amber Ruffin – Handing Her Friend His Wallet

Emmanuel Acho – Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

John Oliver – Police

Trevor Noah – Dominos

Kimberly Jones – How Can We Win

Articles, Books and Movies:

You Can’t Be Color Blind – Kenyona “Sunny” Matthews (article)

Just Mercy (movie)

Just Mercy (book)

13th (movie)

When They See Us (movie)

Stamped From the Beginning – Ibram X. Kendi (book)

BlacKKKlansman (movie)

Get Out (movie)

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