What Does This Software Want From Me?

I’ve been cutting back on caffeine – there’s enough buzz around J Street without it!

President Armen Stein has earned the Microsoft MVP Award every year since 2006. That tells you something about his passion for technology.

Was Hawaii’s False Ballistic Missile Alert A Failure In Design?  Training?  Procedures?
January 15, 2018

Or maybe it was a combination of all three.  As you might expect, this false missile alert caused panic for many Hawaii residents. Those who saw the alert were left to wonder for a full 38 minutes if they were about to be attacked before a second text alert clarified that the first had been a false alarm.  Read more…

And then this happened…

Tsunami Warning For East Coast Neglects To Mention It Was Only A Test
February 6, 2018

Hey, at least it wasn’t a missile alert.  Read more  


March 8th, 2018 in Redmond, WA

  • One-day event – exact time and location will be announced soon
  • A variety of expert speakers and interesting topics
  • Cost is only $25!  (Happy 25th birthday, Access!)
  • Pizza lunch included


Be sure to check out AccessDay.org for more upcoming events!

Few things are quite as frustrating as using some software and receiving an error message – except for receiving an error message that tells you NOTHING about what the problem actually is!

When we develop custom applications we pay special attention to this detail.  We understand the irritation and stress vague error messages can create.  For example, if the issue is that a required field hasn’t been specified, then the message should say exactly which field is missing data so that you can quickly determine what to do.

Simple text error messages such as this can save time and help you move on with your day!

Does your system have vague error text or confusing codes?  How much time and frustration are these errors causing your team?

Contact us for a free consultation – we’re here to help you!

Testimonial: Big Summer Golf Card

Our relationship with J Street goes back 10 years when a completely new software operating program was needed for managing the business.  Armen quickly understood the complexities involved and despite the challenges, presented a custom-designed platform that was simple and effective to use. What was rolled out 10 years ago is as effective today as it was then and is the core of managing our day-to-day business operation. The team has consistently brought creative ideas to refining the program and in many cases has responded to requests with practical and innovative solutions that have been surprisingly cost-effective.  In an industry of high cost and charges, J Street’s focus on value and bringing broad and wide expertise to the table in helping find solutions for us. It’s a credit to the company that the team players have been consistent over the years; it makes life so much easier for us knowing we can call Katrina or Michael or Scott based on a relationship that has been built over time.  They understand our needs almost better than we can express them!! What I love about working with J Street is their ability to interpret our requests and provide practical and effective solutions that, as laymen, we can fully appreciate and use efficiently.

– Charles Varah, President of Big Summer Golf Card

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