What We’re Doing During the Pandemic

J Street is already a virtual company.  We are not affected by the stay-at-home orders in our state, and we’ve been working remotely for over a year.  Let us know if you need help with work-from-home technology like web conferencing, online document sharing, and web applications.

Contact us for a free consultation today!

Mirocsoft Most Valuable Professionals

President Armen Stein was re-awarded Microsoft MVP status for the 15th consecutive year! That tells you something about his passion for technology and helping others.


“I highly recommend working with Armen and the team at J Street.  We became a client following the retirement of a founding team member who built two Access applications critical to our business.  We did not have the internal skills necessary to support these applications moving forward, and J Street filled our needs perfectly.   From their technical work to Armen’s wealth of experience in the strategy/architecture space, J Street is a top-notch partner.”

Nathaniel W. Polky 

Director of Information Systems, Sugar Mountain

One of the many things that I’ve learned over the past several months is how much I like to spend time with friends, family and employees.  From playing racquetball every week, dinner and movie parties with my grown kids, Rotary meetings, monthly social events, and team lunches, I was busy and connected.  And then POOF!  Lots of free time.  Time to reflect on life, and prioritize what is most important to me.

During our weekly team meetings and virtual happy hours, my team expressed similar feelings.  Trying to stay busy and not gain the “COVID 15” was a common theme.  So what have we been doing?

Katrina RoofThe most common response has been “house projects”!  Everything from remodeling bathrooms, cleaning roofs, andrepainting anything that doesn’t move.  Building fences and tending gardens got a big nod as well.  One of my team members even moved 3 tons of river rock and 8 yards of topsoil… all by hand (well, wheelbarrow!)

Other teammates are focused on self-care.  Therapy helped some through their anxiety, while others adopted pets to love and care for.  Some resumed previously-shelved artistic hobbies.  I’ve been playing more backgammon with friends online, doing house projects, and watching more movies and TV series.

Through it all, our team continues to reach out to each other, making phone and video calls to discuss both business and personal topics with each other.  This connection helps us feel a little more normal, a little less alone in these weird times.

As the pandemic continues, we keep wearing our masks and taking precautions.  Vaccines may be on the way, but we can’t relax yet.  By keeping busy with new and creative pastimes, we feel a little stronger, a little more grounded.  Stay safe and hang in there, everyone.

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